Zoom (11/9/2020) – During the coronavirus pandemic, the Management of Technology Laboratory (MoT lab) held a virtual meeting to monitor research progress. The meeting was special because it was attended by Prof. Matsuura from Yamaguchi University, Japan. Led by MoT Lab chairman Dr.rer.pol. Eko Agus Prasetio, the meeting took more than 3 hours. As a research centre in collaboration with Yamaguchi University, MoT Lab focuses on several research topics related to technology management and innovation with output such as journal articles, books, and a book chapter.
The meeting started with a presentation from the research assistant to get some comments and feedback by the meeting members. For example, Alma Kenanga and Hakiim presented their research with the title “A Proposed Framework for Sustainable Government Policy in Industry 4.0 Implementation: Lesson-Learnt from Industry 4.0 Implementation in Indonesia”. Prof. Matsuura, Dr.rer.pol. Eko Agus Prasetio and Dedy Sushandoyo, Ph.D gave their comments and feedback so that they can improve the research and paper.