BANDUNG, mot.sbm.itb.ac.id – Management of Technology Laboratory, School of Business and Management Bandung Institute of Technology (MoT Lab SBM-ITB) held a mini-lecture with researchers from the University of Twente, Netherlands. This event was held at the Kresna Lobby SBM-ITB on 11 January 2023. The event was welcomed by the Director of the MoT Lab SBM-ITB, Dr.rer.pol. Eko Agus Prasetio, MBA and then opened by Acting Vice Dean of Resources SBM-ITB, Dr. Ir. Ignatius Pulung Nurprasetio, M.SME. The lecture topic was “The Role of Technology in Addressing Societal Challenges” and was presented in English.

Amalia Suryani, a researcher from the University of Twente, gave a presentation entitled “Co-creation for technological innovations in energy access, A transdisciplinary approach”. She explained about microgrids for energy access. A microgrid is an integrated energy system with three key elements (generation, storage, load): locally driven, distributed resources, and isolated or connected to the grid. Microgrids can supply electricity to a group of households, public facilities, and/or businesses. The speaker also gave his presentation regarding microgrids in Indonesia.

Maarten Appelman, who is also a researcher from the University of Twente, in his presentation entitled “Philosophy of Technology, taking responsibility in a technological age”, cited the views of the famous philosopher Martin Heidegger. According to Heidegger, it is very important to understand how modern technology has changed our view of nature, and he fears that it will also make us see other humans as the same fixed stock. There is an intrinsic value to nature and people, and if technology has made us see nature as something we must defend, then we should be keenly aware that we might as well do the same for humans. Many philosophers have argued that Heidegger went overboard with this statement, but if we look now, some 60 years later, we can argue that he was quite right on this point.

The SBM-ITB MoT Lab, in this event, conveyed to the participants that they had just published a book entitled “Transfer of Technology and Innovation for Business Transformation”. The authors of this book are SBM-ITB MoT Lab members, namely Eko Agus Prasetio, Uruqul Nadhif Dzakiy, and Dedy Sushandoyo. This event was attended by more than 50 people, both offline and online.
Reporter: Uruqul Nadhif Dzakiy