ZOOM– mot.sbm.itb.ac.id – As a response to State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) in the technology sector facing conditions of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA), they are implementing business renewal strategies by entering new fields outside their primary competencies. Interestingly, this strategy is implemented by several large state-owned companies in the energy, telecommunications, and defense sectors. Management of Technology Laboratory, School of Business and Management (MoT Lab SBM-ITB) responded to this condition by holding a national webinar with the theme “Technology-based Business Renewals of Established Firms” on Wednesday morning (6/12/2023) via the online platform Zoom. This event was attended by more than 170 participants.
This webinar presents top management from four state-owned companies, namely Sigit P. Santosa, Sc.D (Director of Technology and Development, PT Pindad), Oki Muraza, PhD (Senior Vice President Research, Technology and Innovation, Pertamina), Prasetiyo Raharjo, MT. (Tribe Leader Innovation Management, Telkom Indonesia), and Dr. Zainal Arifin (Executive Vice President of Renewable Energy, State Electricity Company (PLN)). Dedy Sushandoyo, PhD, Senior Lecturer at SBM-ITB and researcher at MoT Lab, moderated this event. The Dean of SBM-ITB, Prof. Pulung Nurprasetio, and Chair of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Institute (LPIK-ITB) opened this webinar.
As the first speaker, Dr. Zainal Arifin from PLN revealed that PLN’s business renewals are carried out through exploitation and exploration strategies grouped into four sections: energy value providers, energy, home service providers, connected energy services, and beyond energy. One example of a program carried out by PLN is the construction of the Cirata PV Floating- 192 MW in the Cirata Reservoir, Purwakarta, West Java, the second largest PLTS in the world.

Prasetyo Raharjo, MT. from Telkom Indonesia, revealed that Telkom Indonesia implemented three strategies simultaneously: connectivity, platform, and service. One program Bernama Indigo runs is an external startup incubation for synergy and developing valuation. Telkom focuses on preparing digital talent and validating technology.
“Because of VUCA, we are developing a new business model, so we focus on preparing digital talent and validating technology” said Prasetyo Raharjo.

In his presentation, Oki Muraza, Ph.D. from Pertamina, revealed that Pertamina combines three strategies at once: maintaining Indonesia’s energy independence, launching domestic resources for energy self-sufficiency, and an energy transition focused on net zero emissions. One example that Pertamina has carried out is R&D in developing red and white catalysts for biogasoline.

Sigit P. Santosa, Sc.D. from Pindad, revealed that VUCA encouraged PT Pindad to create something new and valuable through downstream and commercializing research results. He said that Pindad carried out technology push and market pull strategies in parallel by trying to go into detailed design, which resulted in an economic multiplier effect of up to 12 times. PT Pindad is currently thriving in making combat and tactical vehicles, of which the Maung 4 x 4 Merah Putih is the latest product.
“Business innovation not only creates new products, but also new value through downstream and commercialization strategies”, said Sigit.

This event was closed by remarks by the Head of the SBM-ITB MoT Lab, Dr.rer.pol. Eko Agus Prasetio, MBA, with a question-and-answer session first.
Reporter: Uruqul Nadhif, MoT Lab SBM-ITB